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EC6000 Electric Service Crane

Bring on the heavier challenges. Stellar® EC6000 Electric Service Cranes have you covered. They combine the lifting power you need with the economy you want, and operation is significantly quieter than hydraulic cranes so you can work at times and in locations where reduced noise is essential. Because you don’t have to maintain separate hydraulic components, you save on labor time and parts. You can also lower chassis costs because EC6000 Electric Cranes let you use a gas or diesel chassis without the need to add a power take-off (PTO) and pump to the chassis or a transmission that can handle the PTO and pump.


  • Ball Bearing Rotation Gear for solid support and smooth operation

  • Steel Worm Gear for reliable speed control when rotating the shaft

  • Electric Planetary Winch that lifts the maximum crane load and offers the smoothest and fastest speeds in the market today for maximum productivity

  • Low-Profile Design for superior clearance

  • Exclusive Double-Boom Design for rigidity, strength and accuracy

  • Integral Rotation Stop with 410° rotation for the greatest performance while protecting wires and hoses from damage

  • Certification for ANSI B30.5 and OSHA 1910.180 specifications

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